Saturday, February 27, 2010

2 WEEKS....4 TO GO

Pictures of our beautiful Sunday lunch

2 weeks down and 4 to go. From now on in it will be much easier than the last two weeks. I have lost a bit of weight. I don't have scales as I dont believe in them but I am fitting into my jeans that I have had since I was 13 if that is any measure.

Yesterday I introduced dairy and 2 serves of seasonal fruit p/week and 2-3 serves of gluten free grains as optional. I can also have a few coffees a week if I like, but I have to make them at home with organic coffee and unpasturised milk just warmed. It still makes a frothy milky yummy latte. First thing I ate on Saturday was a tub of yogurt and a latte, heaven.

Today I had a few people over for lunch. I went all out and cooked two whole barramundi's, a cabbage,fennel and parsley salad, almond & sesame seed biscuits and a almond, ricotta& lemon cake. Plus I served some fresh strawberries.

Stay posted for recipes of biscuits and cake. Biscuits are made with spelt flour and rapadura and cake is made with activated almonds, buckwheat flour, ricotta, organic eggs and molasses sugar.

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