Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Crunchy artichoke and parsley salad

Artichokes are now in season and what better way to eat them than raw and crunchy with a little olive oil and lemon.
3-6 purple artichokes
juice of one lemon
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil 
and handful of parsley finely chopped

  1. Peel back outer leaves of artichoke starting at the bottom. You will eventually get to the heart and they inner soft leaves. 
  2. Roughly rip off soft leaves at the top
  3. Cut artichoke in half and scoop out furry part in centre with a spoon or small knife
  4. Quickly slice as thin or thick as desired (i like about 3-4mm thick) and put in lemon juice before they brown
  5. Repeat with all artichokes 
  6. Drizzle with olive oil and add parsley
  7. Give it all a good mix and serve!
I use roughly an artichoke per person.

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